North Central Chapter Health Physics Society

Secretary Responsibilities

Chapter Handbook

-Maintain Membership Directory:

o Receive new member applications and dues payments,verify HPS membership and annotate application form, distribute applications to Executive Council via email for approval (determines join date), hold original applications for review and signature during Executive Council meeting.

o Update membership directory following each meeting (at a minimum) by creating an HTML and .PDF and submit a membership directory to Chapter webmaster for publication on website.

o Create and maintain list of user names and passwords for access to members only side of website and for voting. o Provide user name and password to each new member as part of welcome.

-Update list of meeting locations after each meeting:

o Submit meeting location list to Chapter Webmaster for publication on website.

-Update list of current and past officers after each Fall meeting:

o Submit officer list to Chapter webmaster for publication on website.

o Update the list of officers on the HPS Chapter Reports following the fall meeting.

-Take minutes of each Executive Council and Business Meeting:

o Record meetings and transcribe minutes.

o Route minutes to Executive Council for review.

o Council approves Council meeting minutes via email.

o Membership approves Business Meeting minutes at next Business Meeting.

o Submit meeting minutes to Chapter webmaster for publication on website.

-Maintain paper and digital records of Chapter Handbook.

Create and Distribute Ballots

-Obtain officer candidates from Nominating Committee (traditionally past-president, officers leaving, not current officers)

-Create paper ballot and candidate summary

-Create files for electronic balloting:

o Create user name, email, and password list for voting

o Submit files to HPS Chapter Support webmaster (Rudy Birenheide) for web page development and creation

o Provide ballot end date to HPS Chapter Support webmaster (review Chapter Bylaws to ensure end date is before Spring Executive Council meeting)

o Test voting web page and approve for release

-Distribute paper ballots and URL for electronic voting to membership:

o Provide user name and password to members who request it for voting

o Collect paper ballots for counting

o After electronic ballot end, print list of votes and persons voting

o If any person submitted a paper ballot and an electronic vote, discard the paper ballot since there is no way to determine the electronic vote.

o Supply the electronic vote tally and the paper ballots to the persons who will count the ballots (typically at the Spring Executive Council meeting)

Record the results of the ballot in the Council and Business meeting minutes

Organize Meetings (generally one month prior)

-Prepare technical meeting agendas and registration forms and distribute to Chapter webmaster for publication on website

o Obtain list of Affiliate members who will exhibit or sponsor a technical meeting from Affiliate Coordinator (recognize on agenda and website)

-Distribute technical meeting agenda and registration form to membership

-Prepare draft agendas for Executive Council and Business Meetings and distribute to Executive Council for review

-Prepare Secretary’s report on membership and distribute to Executive Council prior to Executive Council meeting

-Obtain Affiliate member and other committee reports and distribute to Executive Council prior to Executive Council meeting

-Prepare attendance list (and name tags) for Executive Council and technical meetings

-Prepare other documents as necessary for Executive Council and Business meetings

-Coordinate with meeting host to secure a room for the Executive Council meeting and reservations for dinner prior to the Executive Council Meeting

-Distribute to meeting attendees (including HPS President-elect and Affiliate member exhibitors) details regarding the dinner prior to the Executive Council Meeting

-Distribute to Executive Council details regarding the Council meeting, including copies of reports presented during the meeting

-Collect registration fees as applicable at technical meeting

-Present Secretary’s report at Business meeting

-Apply to American Academy of Health Physics for continuing education credits for technical meeting

o Use final agenda, AAHP will return a course number

o Forward continuing education credit information to Chapter webmaster for posting on the website

-Bring the banner, arrange for computer and projector

Maintain Incorporation

-File annual report with state of Minnesota prior to December 31

Report to HPS

-Submit annual report to HPS (via HPS members only website) following Fall meeting

Charter, President Plaque, and Challenge Coins

-Maintain NCCHPS charter and have presidents sign the back annually

-Order or provide for the ordering of a recognition plaque for the outgoing President

o Contact Mike Lewandowski to order a plaque from the St. Paul company that historically has provided these plaques (AJ is his contact)

o Order plaque eight weeks prior to fall Executive Council Meeting

Treasurer Responsibilities

Dues and Meeting Registrations

-Receive and record payments (including Affiliate member payments)

-Deposit payments in bank account (weekly)

-Create PayPal button(s) to collect dues and meeting registrations electronically

-Supply PayPal button(s) html to Chapter webmaster to post on website

-Record payments made via PayPal

-Transfer money from PayPal to bank account (monthly)

-Supply receipts as requested

Pay Chapter Bills

-Pay meeting expenses and maintain records of expenses and payments

-Reimburse Chapter members and others for Executive Council-approved expenses

o Use the reimbursement form on the Chapter website to document expenses and reimbursement

Financial Reports

-Obtain, review and maintain copies of bank statements

-Prior to each Executive Council meeting, prepare a report of the Chapter’s finances for the Council and membership

-Present the Treasurer’s report to the Executive Council and at the Business Meeting

-Prepare a fiscal year report to present at the Fall Executive Council and Business Meetings

Maintain IRS Tax Exempt Status

-File a form 990N with the IRS (review folder for deadline)

-Report to Executive Committee that filing has been done

Transfer of Authority

-Prior to ending your term, prepare a letter to be signed by the incoming President, designating the incoming Treasurer as the responsible party for the bank accounts



-Receive membership renewals, deposit funds and update membership directory and financial records

-Prompt Nominating Committee for candidates for office

-Prompt Council for HPS award nominations

-Prompt President and President-elect for location and date of Spring meeting

-Archive membership directory


-Obtain names of candidates for ballot from Nominating Committee Chair (traditionally the Past President).

-Create ballot and documents for electronic voting.

-Send electronic voting documents to HPS Chapter web support (Rudy Birenhiede) for web site creation.

-Send second notice for dues renewal.

-Receive membership renewals, deposit funds and update membership directory and financial records

-Prompt President-elect for Spring meeting agenda

-Remind Council of Wissink Memorial Lectureship to fund speaker

-Determine meeting registration fee

-Coordinate with meeting host on hotel discounts/recommendations for meeting, provide information to Chapter webmaster


-Receive membership renewals, deposit funds and update membership directory and financial records

-Distribute ballot and URL to membership and Chapter webmaster

-Distribute meeting registration form and draft technical meeting agenda to membership

-Coordinate with Affiliate member coordinator on exhibitors and sponsors

April (Spring Meeting)

-Organize Executive Council meeting agenda and location (coordinate with meeting host)

-Organize dinner before Executive Council meeting (coordinate with meeting host)

-Coordinate with meeting host on food for meeting

-Organize materials for Business meeting and technical meeting registration

-Prepare Secretary/Treasurer’s report and obtain other committee reports

-Obtain online ballot results and bring paper ballots to Executive Committee meeting

-Take meeting minutes

-Pay meeting bills

-Send third notice for dues renewal.

-Receive membership renewals, deposit funds and update membership directory and financial records


-Prepare meeting minutes and distribute to Executive Council for review

-Update financial records and notify Executive Council of meeting performance

-Update membership directory and welcome new members

-Update website documents

-Receive membership renewals, deposit funds, and update membership directory and financial records


-Receive membership renewals, deposit funds, and update membership directory and financial records

-Update Chapter Report on HPS website

-Prompt President and President-Elect for location and date of Fall meeting


-Send fourth notice for dues renewal.

-Receive membership renwals, deposit funds, and update membership directory and financial records

-Determine meeting registration fee

-Coordinate with meeting host on hotel discounts/recommendations for meeting, provide information to Chapter webmaster


-Receive membership renewals, deposit funds, and update membership director and financial records

-Prompt President-Elect for Fall meeting agenda

-Remind Council of Wissink Memorial Lectureship to fund lectureship

Submit IRS form 990N

-Order plaque for Chapter President


-Organize Executive Council meeting agenda and location (coordinate with meeting host)

-Remind Chapter President of State of the Chapter address at Business Meeting

-Distribute meeting registration form and draft technical meeting agenda to membership, including HPS President-Elect as appropriate

-Reserve hotel room for HPS President-Elect, and send confirmation details to HPS President-Elect

-Coordinate with Affiliate member coordinator on exhibitors and sponsors

-Send fifth notice for dues renewal

-Receive membership renewals, deposit funds, and update membership directory and financial records

October (Fall Meeting)

-Organize dinner before Executive Council meeting (coordinate with meeting host)

-Coordinate with meeting host on food for meeting

-Organize materials for Business meeting and technical meeting registration

-Prepare Secretary/Treasurer’s report, including prior fiscal year report, and obtain other committee reports

-Obtain online ballot results and bring paper ballots to Executive Committee meeting

-Take meeting minutes

-Pay meeting bills

-Receive membership renewals, deposit funds and update membership directory and financial records


-Prepare meeting minutes and distribute to Executive Council for review

-Update financial records and notify Executive Council of meeting performance

-Update membership directory and welcome new members

-Update website documents

-Receive membership renewals, deposit funds and update membership directory and financial records


-Create and distribute next year's dues renewal notices

-Update Chapter Report on HPS website

-File incorporation report with State of Minnesota

-Receive membership renewals, deposit funds and update membership directory and financial records

(11 January 2018)